10 Ways to build your confidence today!


Now is your time to boost your confidence and get your power back. Our team have put together 10 Steps that you can take to Build Your Confidence today which we share with you below. Choose 5 of our 10 steps to practice straight away and if you repeat them each day for the next 7 days, you will discover a new sense of confidence. Enjoy the read…

What steps can you take right now to build your confidence?

1. Book your GLAMOUR Photography session in the next two weeks

Pick up the phone or send a message to our team to book your session asap. Don’t book it more than 2 weeks in advance as you want to keep your power and this momentum to taking your confidence to another level. Don’t wait, just make it happen!

Enquire Now about doing your own Glamour Photo Shoot

2. Wear a piece of clothing you feel sexy in!

There is nothing more empowering than putting that elegant or sexy outfit on and totally owning it. Make sure that you choose out 2-3 outfits ready for your photoshoot that you love and feel great in.


3. Give yourself a minimum of 15 minutes today for Self-Care

You deserve 15 minutes for yourself today so go for a 15 minute walk, meditate, give yourself a manicure, take a bubble bath, have a glass of wine on your own, turn the music up really loud then sing and dance all around the house. It doesn’t take much to give your soul some care.

4. Say Affirmations everyday prior to your photoshoot

Everyday we look in the mirror and generally what follows can be negative self talk in our heads. Try something new today… get an A4 piece of paper and write this nice and big - I am beautiful, I am confident, I am sexy, I am powerful and I am a goddess! Now, stick this A4 piece of paper on your mirror and repeat the words 10 times to yourself. If you are brave, say them loud!

5. Surround yourself with confident & positive people

Did you know that we become like our five closest people we hang around with? So, take a look at those five people you hang around with and ask yourself “Are they having a negative or positive influence on me?” Make sure you surround yourself with people that have more confidence then you and look at life positively.

6. Pick out one thing everyday you love about yourself

When you look in that mirror today, what is one thing you love about yourself? Say it nice and loud and repeat this everyday.


7. Sit up and stand tall

Try this now. As you sit there reading this, straighten your back, sit up tall and take one big deep breath in, hold, and then breath out feeling totally confident. Repeat this 3 times.

8. Visualise your confidence

Can you remember a time when you were totally confident? Can you remember a specific time? Go back to this time in your mind and see who and what was around you and feel the feelings of being totally confident! It feels good right! You see confidence is a state that you can be in very quickly. So, turn this state on more often because you are confident.

9. Fake it until you make it - believe you are confident!

You may still be feeling insecure about yourself and that’s ok! The key to becoming more and more confident is to believe that you are confident and when doubt creeps into your mind, simply take any of the actions above to replace doubt with total confidence.

10. Don’t chicken out!

So many of our ladies say that days before their photoshoot they feel nervous and experience a feeling of ‘chickening out’. When this feeling happens, remind yourself how important doing your photography shoot is going to be to empower yourself and boost your confidence.


To read some inspiring stories of real women who have felt just like you and overcame their nerves and fears to gain their confidence back - click on their stories below:

Read Amy’s Story

Read Sue’s Story


If you are interested in booking a Zest Photography family, couple, modern glamour, boudoir or nude portrait photography experience, call 0862453150 or email us at info@zestphotography.com.au.

 “Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and get excited about what could go right”
- Tony Robbins

InspirationalGary Levy