The Power of Studio Portrait Photography


Simply put, studio portrait photography is a style of photography that captures people. Portrait photographers aim to capture the personality and energy of a person or energy in a relationship by using effective lighting, backdrops, body language and props.

Artists, Journalists, Scientists have all aimed to capture and document human likeness in some form over the years. Whether this be through elaborate oil portraits of a ruling monarch, delicately carved stone busts, anatomical drawings, courtroom sketches, or even mug shots!

Some of these may be more of a flattering representation then others, but they all capture human likeness and suggest character to those viewing the work.

A modern photographic portrait captures not only a person’s likeness, but also their personality, their identity, and their emotions – it helps the subject see themselves differently, in the best way possible!

Did you know that in the 12 or so hours that we are awake and active each day, over 43,200 seconds pass?  

How much of that time do you spend really looking at yourself or your family and appreciating what is important to you?

All too often, things come up and life gets in the way.

A Portrait photography session gives you the opportunity to take that time out for yourself or with the people you care about, allowing the photographer to isolate specific emotions and tell a story in a split second in time (1/125 of a second to be exact!)

This could be a moment of passion and intimacy between two people,

a flash of confidence and power in an individual,

or the deep love and connection between parents and their newborn baby.

These moments allow us to see and celebrate what we might otherwise forget or help us realise what is there in the first place. This is the power of portrait photography!

The use of a professional studio is also important for this particular style of photography, The subject/s are not distracted by any external environment, and this allows the photographer the opportunity to focus solely on the person/s in front of them and what makes them unique (and to highlight this using professional studio photography techniques).

Taking this quality time for yourself can have huge positive impacts on your confidence and your relationships with your partner and family.

If you would love to capture a moment in time with those that matter most to you, in a way that reflects the best part of your dynamic as a family and the bond that you share, then a Family Portrait photography session could be just what you’re looking for.

And for all the ladies out there, how many times have you looked at yourself in the mirror, and your eyes go straight to a pimple, your shape, a scar, or some other insecurity that you have?

If you find yourself doing this more often then not, a glamour portrait photography experience could be exactly what you need to explore and embrace all the different sides to yourself!

Seeing yourself in a new light is a fantastic way to reframe that negative self talk and feel totally empowered once again.

If you are interested in booking a Zest Photography family, couple, modern glamour, boudoir or nude portrait photography experience, call 0862453150 or email us at

InspirationalGary Levy