Leia's Sexy Boudoir Photoshoot


 I’ve found confidence in myself as a plus size women and wanted to capture this. My reason for doing this photoshoot is that I wanted to put myself out of my comfort zone and do something that I never thought I could.

“I have grown a lot over the last couple of years as a larger women and I am finding myself more comfortable and confident in my own body.”

I had seen other photographers’ photos of plus size women and I wanted to look and feel that way myself. Sometimes I feel being a plus size women I get so uncomfortable in my body but then I have days when I feel great, and I can accept me.

I wanted to have photos that show I am sexy regardless of my body size so they can remind me when I’m having those down days. I think this would be scary but also amazing to continue my growth and have photos to show how far I’ve come!

 Leading up to the photo shoot I was super excited. I went shopping for some new looks and felt good about myself. The day of pf the photoshoot however I was so nervous, asking myself so many questions: “Why was I doing this, what am I going to do, I can’t pose sexy or even nice!”

During the photoshoot I felt a little tense to start with as I was so outside of my comfort zone. After the first few photos I started to relax and try to enjoy the experience. I had an amazing time! Adriana was an amazing photographer and made me feel so at ease. We laughed so much and captured the fun and the sexy.

After the photoshoot I was on such a high! I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. I felt accomplished and beautiful. When I went to pick up the photos and I saw them all again that feeling came back. They looked amazing, I looked amazing!

“My confidence has grown so much, I still have those days when I don’t feel confident but it has made me realise that at any size I can be beautiful, this experience has had an important impact on me, on how I view myself.”

“These photos are a reminder of how far I’ve come in my journey and are a constant reminder that I am confident in my body.”

I plan to put the trinity image above my bed, I am so in love with these photos, I want to be able to see them and remember this experience.

A couple of prints I will place around the house, yes for everyone to see, but I don’t care! I’m embracing it!”

Q- What would you say to woman in the same position to you and not sure if they should have their own experience?

“I would tell them to do it! Yes, it is nerve racking, yes it may be uncomfortable and it’s a big thing to put yourself out there. All the staff were so amazing and supportive. The experience was so much fun and now I have beautiful images to remember this. Never once would I have thought I would do this, but I am so glad I did!”

- Leia

If you are interested in booking a Zest Photography family portrait photography experience, call 0862453150 , email us at info@zestphotography.com.au or click on the button below to see more information.