2022 Zest Team Retreat


Empowering the people who empower people

It has been an incredible 2022 for Zest and we planned a team retreat in Margaret River.

We put together this trip to inspire, empower and grow as individuals and as a team. In our studio it is our daily  goal to create memorable experience for our clients, we felt it was time to give back to our staff.

Our road trips were full of Disney karaoke, sharing stories of gratitude for each other,  picnics in little country towns, and constant laughter it felt like a family holiday.

With challenging activities that pushed us out of our comfort zones like tree climbing, rope adventure zip lining and horse riding, as well as moments for calm serenity like forest hiking, breathwork and yoga.

 In this blog we have asked each of our team members to reflect upon their year with Zest:


“2022 has been a year of transformations. As I think of all the different ladies, families and couples we have photographed, I just sit her feeling really grateful. Grateful to have the power to help people feel so good about who they are and what their life represents. We have heard so many phenomenal stories of people going from such adversity in their past to now being a inspirational human being. And yes, we had the honour to capture this!

I feel super proud of our wonderful team – Adriana, Jessica, Lei, Hannah, Tayla, Yvonne, Bronwyn and Bridget – for not just coming to a job everyday but living with a purpose to help people see their greatness.

It’s been a pleasure to lead our talented team and help make a small difference in our community.

To all our wonderful customers, I thank you for stepping out of your comfort zone and capturing your life today and I hope your experience with our team has positively influenced how you see and feel about yourself.

Have a fun Xmas and all the best for the New Year of 2023!”


“2022 has been a year of growth, for me personally and as a team at the studio. When I first started in 2018 there were just the three of us – Gary, Jessica and myself. At that time, I never imagined in 4 short years we would have grown to a team of 7 in studio not including our talented retouching team and production house. I have had such an amazing year learning from and teaching this group of incredibly talented individuals. Ive learnt so much most of all as the saying goes “it takes a village to raise a child” in this case a studio named Zest.

I know none of this could have been possible without all our incredible clients, who have been open and allowed themselves to push through their limiting beliefs and comfort zones to truly see how incredible they are inside and out. There are so many clients that have impacted me on a day to day, its so hard to name them all – amongst my favourite shoot this year was getting to photograph our studio owner Elisha and her daughter for her maternity shoot.

The standout moments in life generally come as a surprise and this year I was honoured to receive the Nikon Sponsor Award at the WA Photo Salon – 2 of my images were chosen to be exhibited amongst 98 other incredible images this is probably one of my proudest moments in respect to recognition for my career in 2022.

I wanted to say thank you to all the Zest team for the absolute love and support and laughter you have brought to me this year, I want to wish all our incredible clients the most amazing Xmas and New Year. Thank you for coming along the ride. Bring on 2023 I can’t wait to see what is yet to come. xx”


A Year of change, healing, and growth. 

The last two years have been an emotional rollercoaster:  dealing with the loss of my father, leaving a long-term relationship, buying a house, raising a new dog, and so much more!

Zest was my safe space, The place full of people who are so supportive, loving and patient.  2022 was all about reconnecting with myself, growing out of a small shell I had built and find Joy in my life.

Thank you to Gary and Adriana for your honesty and encouragement and also Hannah and Tayla for the nights out dancing at the Court!


I find I can relate to our women so much more this year, having gone through my own life defining changes. My favourite moment during the Zest experience is when a woman feels safe enough to share her vulnerability, to show raw emotion and bare their soul in the studio.  There are many therapeutic tears and much burdensome weight lifted off their shoulders, that by the time women leave the studio they are almost floating with a new sense of confidence and self-acceptance.

It is not even about the photography, it is the importance of feeling seen for who you truly are, to have your journey validated.


This past year has been one of the most transformative years of my life so far to be honest. I’ve felt a massive shift in energy this year, which makes me super excited for what’s yet to come! I feel so proud and connected to all our beautiful clients that I’ve had the pleasure of photographing this year! Honestly, they’ve inspired me and my photography with their incredible stories, life experience and creative visions. I’m so grateful to be a part of their journeys in this way.

Our Zest team has grown so much this year and the love and support we give each other, blows my mind every day that I get to spend with these exceptional people! I’ve realised this year just how much of a family we are. I love every single one of them! The lessons I’ve learnt not only through the team but also through our beautiful clients has made a serious impacted my soul.

This year has been a year full of growth and positivity! And I’m living for it.

Thank you to everyone who graced our studio this year and for all your strength, honestly and vulnerability! And I hope you continue to hold on to those feelings you felt here that empower you and give you confidence in who you are! I want that for all of you, forever! Merry Christmas and Happy New year! Let 2023, and every year after be your year! xox


This year has been a dream come true!

Becoming a part of the zest team and being in a position that I truly feel passionate about has been a dream of mine sine I was a little girl. This year I have been able to start a fulfilling career, to have my dream wedding and starting a new chapter of my relationship with my best friend and most of all being surrounded by all my special people! I feel so grateful for how much I have grown in the past 12 months with zest and all the amazing clients. I have been able to be a part of their journey to confidence and I’ve found that my passion Is transformational in all forms. 


What I have taken away from 2022 with Zest

Is the satisfaction of helping create everlasting memories

With some not just memories,  but life changing feelings about themselves

Finding themselves again, the strength they have found they are worthy

That we as a team have been able to help these clients overcome .

The emotion when speaking with clients is immense and has touched my heart so many times.

These clients remain with and a part of me x


I knew in my heart my career destiny lay with Zest Photography and my future belonged here. In this short space of time, my experiences with these amazing people and our clients has already had a profound impact on me.

I wake up each morning, excited that I get to work together with my team” and make a difference to everyone we engage with on the phone or in person through the power of our photography. I can feel my personal growth developing, in my work and personal life.

Climbing the Gloucester tree recently at the Zest retreat and looking down at my new “tribe” cheering me on was one of the most cathartic moments of my life which I will hold dear forever. I am home….. thank you to my beautiful Zest family for everything and to our clients for giving me a purpose.

If you are interested in booking a Zest Photography newborn, family, or children’s portrait photography experience, call 0862453150 or email us at info@zestphotography.com.au.